Saturday, February 15, 2020

True Profession Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

True Profession - Article Example However, today’s business environment is considered to be dynamic and challenging, as the success of a business depends on the amount of trust they gain from their customers and stake holders. This has provided opportunities for well-known business schools to introduce new academic course integrating management code of ethics that would help in aligning management with other well-known professions such as lawyers, doctors, engineers and teachers. Considering the above stated scenario, it is also believed that the integration of the code of ethics in the MBA course will serve as competitive advantages for the students in the business market. It is also believed that having the world first Certified Business Professional (CBP) will allow the academic institution to stay ahead from other in-state MBA programs over other universities (Khurana & Nohria, â€Å"It’s Time to Make Management a True Profession†; Nohria, â€Å"A Hippocratic Oath for Management†). Wit h reference to the stated scenario it can be viewed that the dean of ODU’s College of Business and Public Administration (CBPA) is planning to implement oath at the Hippocratic Oath for Managers at this year’s graduation and initiating the new CBP program next year. In this regard, the plan of implementation of the management code can be considered as an effective approach. In this rapid changing environment it has been viewed that organization who succeed in gaining trust of the people sustains in the growing competitive market whereas organization who only focus on gaining profit dissolve within a short span of time. In this aspect implementing managerial code of conduct in the MBA would not only help in establishing a modern management approach but would also help in establishing a modern approach in the business world. It would not only provide numerous opportunities but would also change the way business operates today. The student oath is component of more preval ent initiative to turn management into profession similar to those of medical doctors and lawyers. The Hippocratic Oath promotes the notion of sustainable development. Additionally, it would also help in expanding the knowledge of the student as it would explore new field of studies and also help in understanding the business world deeply. Additionally introducing the process of Hippocratic Oath for manager in academic institutions would also help in producing loyal managers and would also motivate them to implement their skills and knowledge effectively for establishing the organization goal efficiently and through effective utilization of the organization resources (Khurana & Nohria, â€Å"It’s Time to Make Management a True Profession†; Nohria, â€Å"A Hippocratic Oath for Management†).The process of taking oath is viewed to provide a normative framework that helps in shaping the identity of a personnel and their responsibility towards the society specificall y for the people associated with their organization. In this world of shrinking public trust for business managers by the general public, introducing of ethical code would help in establishing a sense of trust and believe amid the stake holders resulting in more efficient functionality of the organization as people would feel secured to invest more in the organization. (ISFP, â€Å"

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Situational Leadership and it's Impact in Healthcare Research Paper

Situational Leadership and it's Impact in Healthcare - Research Paper Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that in situational leadership, as the employee’s level of knowledge and ability to perform tasks improves, a leader can modify the leadership style to apply. This means the roles of coaching, delegating, directing and supporting vary with maturity. Situational leadership, according to Hersey and Blanchard is important in that it values recognition of extremes. On one side of the extreme, a leader can apply positional authority while on the other side; a leader can delegate authority to enhance freedom among the junior workers. In nursing, a leader can base on two variables; the willingness of junior employees to take up assignments and the ability to post results when determining the extreme to rely on. This plays a critical role especially when a doctor wants to delegate some duties to a nurse. To do so, there must be a level of maturity in a nurse for delegation to happen. The more a senior person delegates, the less work he or she can perform. Since nursing is all about accountability and perfection, it can be easy to trace and get a nurse accountable for mistakes. However, a leader in such a position must take active participation in order to strike a balance between accountability and service delivery and reduce fear among employees. Situational leadership in nursing can help officials in establishing and improving communication and collaboration. According to American Management Association, communication is very important in sustaining and improving productivity. Since it is a flexible leadership style, it can be very easy in cultivating loyalty and improving self-reliance. Nursing requires self-discipline and loyalty since it is a profession that deals with a range of health complications. In order to administer effective medication, there must be communication between doctors and relevant offices and through loyalty; nurses can perform their duties while observing all instruction to the later. It can al so be useful should anything strange happen to patients since communication channels will ensure quick responses to problems at hand.